Sitagliptin / Metformin hydrochloride Sun Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

sitagliptin / metformin hydrochloride sun

sun pharmaceutical industries europe b.v. - sitagliptin fumarate, metformin hydrochloride - sykursýki, tegund 2 - lyf notuð við sykursýki - for adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus:sitagliptin/metformin hydrochloride sun is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycaemic control in patients inadequately controlled on their maximal tolerated dose of metformin alone or those already being treated with the combination of sitagliptin and metformin. sitagliptin/metformin hydrochloride sun is indicated in combination with a sulphonylurea (i. , þrefaldur samsetning meðferð) sem viðbót til að fæði og æfing í sjúklingar ekki nægilega stjórn á eigin hámarks þolað skammt af sjúklingar og sulphonylurea. sitagliptin/metformin hydrochloride sun is indicated as triple combination therapy with a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (pparγ) agonist (i. , a thiazolidinedione) as an adjunct to diet and exercise in patients inadequately controlled on their maximal tolerated dose of metformin and a pparγ agonist. sitagliptin/metformin hydrochloride sun is also indicated as add-on to insulin (i. , triple combination therapy) as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycaemic control in patients when stable dose of insulin and metformin alone do not provide adequate glycaemic control.

Glidipion (previously Pioglitazone Actavis Group) Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

glidipion (previously pioglitazone actavis group)

actavis group ptc ehf    - pioglitazón hýdróklóríð - sykursýki, tegund 2 - lyf notuð við sykursýki - pioglitazone is indicated as second or third line treatment of type-2 diabetes mellitus as described below:as monotherapy:in adult patients (particularly overweight patients) inadequately controlled by diet and exercise for whom metformin is inappropriate because of contraindications or intolerance;as dual oral therapy in combination with:metformin, in adult patients (particularly overweight patients) with insufficient glycaemic control despite maximal tolerated dose of monotherapy with metformin;a sulphonylurea, only in adult patients who show intolerance to metformin or for whom metformin is contraindicated, with insufficient glycaemic control despite maximal tolerated dose of monotherapy with a sulphonylurea;as triple oral therapy in combination with:metformin and a sulphonylurea, in adult patients (particularly overweight patients) with insufficient glycaemic control despite dual oral therapy. lyfleysu er einnig ætlað fyrir ásamt insúlín í tegund-2 sykursýki fullorðinn sjúklinga með ófullnægjandi blóðsykursstjórnun á insúlín fyrir hvern kvarta er óviðeigandi vegna frábendingar eða óþol. eftir hafin með lyfleysu, sjúklingar ætti að vera metið eftir 3 til 6 mánuði að meta fullnægjandi að bregðast við meðferð (e. lækkun í hba1c). Í sjúklingum sem ekki að sýna nægilegt svar, engar upplýsingar ætti að hætta. Í ljósi væntanlegra áhættu með langvarandi meðferð, ávísun ætti að staðfesta á síðari lífi umsagnir að njóta góðs af lyfleysu er viðhaldið.

Pioglitazone Actavis Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

pioglitazone actavis

actavis group ptc ehf   - pioglitazón hýdróklóríð - sykursýki, tegund 2 - lyf notuð við sykursýki - pioglitazone is indicated as second or third line treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus as described below:as monotherapyin adult patients (particularly overweight patients) inadequately controlled by diet and exercise for whom metformin is inappropriate because of contraindications or intolerance. as dual oral therapy in combination withmetformin, in adult patients (particularly overweight patients) with insufficient glycaemic control despite maximal tolerated dose of monotherapy with metformin. a sulphonylurea, only in adult patients who show intolerance to metformin or for whom metformin is contraindicated, with insufficient glycaemic control despite maximal tolerated dose of monotherapy with a sulphonylurea. as triple oral therapy in combination withmetformin and a sulphonylurea, in adult patients (particularly overweight patients) with insufficient glycaemic control despite dual oral therapy. pioglitazone is also indicated for combination with insulin in type 2 diabetes mellitus adult patients with insufficient glycaemic control on insulin for whom metformin is inappropriate because of contraindications or intolerance (see section 4. eftir hafin með lyfleysu, sjúklingar ætti að vera metið eftir 3 til 6 mánuði að meta fullnægjandi að bregðast við meðferð (e. lækkun í hba1c). Í sjúklingum sem ekki að sýna nægilegt svar, engar upplýsingar ætti að hætta. Í ljósi væntanlegra áhættu með langvarandi meðferð, ávísun ætti að staðfesta á síðari lífi umsagnir að njóta góðs af lyfleysu er haldið (sjá kafla 4.

Icandra (previously Vildagliptin / metformin hydrochloride Novartis) Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

icandra (previously vildagliptin / metformin hydrochloride novartis)

novartis europharm limited - vildagliptin, kvarta stutt og long-term - sykursýki, tegund 2 - drugs used in diabetes, combinations of oral blood glucose lowering drugs - icandra is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycaemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus:in patients who are inadequately controlled with metformin hydrochloride alone. in patients who are already being treated with the combination of vildagliptin and metformin hydrochloride, as separate tablets. in combination with other medicinal products for the treatment of diabetes, including insulin, when these do not provide adequate glycaemic control (see sections 4. 4, 4. 5 og 5. 1 fyrir tiltæk gögn um mismunandi samsetningar).

Segluromet Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp & dohme b.v. - ertugliflozin l-pyroglutamic acid, metformin hydrochloride - sykursýki, tegund 2 - drugs used in diabetes, combinations of oral blood glucose lowering drugs - segluromet is indicated in adults aged 18 years and older with type 2 diabetes mellitus as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycaemic control:in patients not adequately controlled on their maximally tolerated dose of metformin alonein patients on their maximally tolerated doses of metformin in addition to other medicinal products for the treatment of diabetesin patients already being treated with the combination of ertugliflozin and metformin as separate tablets.

Veraloc Retard Forðatafla 200 mg Ísland - íslenska - LYFJASTOFNUN (Icelandic Medicines Agency)

veraloc retard forðatafla 200 mg

orion corporation - verapamilum hýdróklóríð - forðatafla - 200 mg

Candpress Comp Tafla 16 mg/12,5 mg Ísland - íslenska - LYFJASTOFNUN (Icelandic Medicines Agency)

candpress comp tafla 16 mg/12,5 mg

teva b.v.* - candesartanum cílexetíl; hydrochlorothiazide - tafla - 16 mg/12,5 mg

Nemdatine Evrópusambandið - íslenska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


actavis group ptc ehf. - memantín - alzheimer sjúkdómur - psychoanaleptics, , Önnur anti-heilabilun lyf - meðferð sjúklinga með miðlungsmikla til alvarlega alzheimerssjúkdóma.